Shipping Policy

Our shipping policy will be updated periodically and is subject to change.

What is the Shipping Process? 

The shipping process includes the time at which the order was placed and flows in sequence as the order has been received/processed, packaged, shipped, and delivered.

Throughout this process, you will be notified via the email you provided when you placed your order, and provided with real-time tracking information.

Shipping rates are based on your address or distance from the origin (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and the weight and dimensions of your order. All shipping charges will be calculated and displayed at checkout. 

Order Processing & Receiving:

Order processing refers to verifying the details of your purchase including the address and the item(s) you've ordered being in stock in the order in which they were received. Please allow up to 2 days for us to process your order. Expect an email in up to 2 days or sooner to inform you that your order has been received and is being processed. This allotted time will allow us to accurately process your order and have it delivered to you as quickly as possible. 


Order fulfillment begins after the order has been processed & received. This step involves picking, packaging, and preparing for your item to be shipped. Once the item(s) has been packaged and prepared, you will receive an email that your order has been fulfilled.



The shipping process includes handing the package to the carrier, USPS, to scan and ship your packaged item(s). Following this step, expect an email informing you that your item(s) has been shipped and is on its way. You will be notified via email of the transit time of the order and when it has been delivered. All orders are generally shipped within 5-8 business days, not including weekends and federal holidays. Please note that some orders may ship or be delivered in less than the estimated 5-8 business days. In rare situations, this estimated time may be longer.


We understand how frustrating it is experiencing unforeseen delays. We will do our best to be transparent & promptly communicate with you as we’ve been made aware of the issue. Global/current events, adverse weather conditions, holidays, driver shortages, and traffic with delivery carriers can cause delays for transit times. Estimated delivery times may vary when delayed. Contact the courier’s customer service representative providing your tracking number for details on your delivery status. The courier should provide you with the new estimated delivery date. 

Data entry errors:

Please ensure your address and email is accurate. Additional setbacks may occur when the provided contact information contains inaccuracies. 

We accept returns up to 30 days after delivery, only if the item is unused, unwashed, unworn, and in its original condition. Please see our Refund Policy linked in the website menu for further details.